How to find clarity in your business

August 1, 2022

Branding, Business Tips

Clarity has become an overused word, at least in my opinion – and here I am using it again, because I’m not perfect.

Before we get into how to become clearer in your business – let’s think of how clarity can help you… It can simplify and create transparency in your path to reaching those goals. It can light up a more precise way of getting there, as opposed to downloading 50 freebies a day and hoping that even just ONE of them works for you…

So, how do you get clarity in your business? As with anything in life, you start from the beginning. And no, I don’t mean you need to delete everything and start on an empty page. In business, it just means going back to foundational work and that’s what branding can help you with – but there are two “types” of branding processes that work in unison to create the sexiest results.

Brand Strategy and Brand Design. I know when you think branding, you probably think “oh cool logo, colour palette, etc.” – but the truth is the two parts to branding are essential in your business success.

So, what’s the difference between the two?

Brand strategy – aka… the foundational work

  • Starts from the beginning – who you are and who your ideal clients are. An in-depth process to discover who you truly want to work with
  • Focuses on your mission to help you create longevity – what is the purpose of your business? Why is it important for you to run this* particular business?
  • Uncovering & integrating your story – what is it that has gotten you here? What is your story and how does this enmesh with your brand? This is important because we’re all human, and let’s be honest the world could use a little more humanity in business
  • Clarity & positioning – brand strategy gives you the torch to light up your own way and inspire others in a way that is still true to your business mission

Brand design – aka… the eye-catching magic

  • Starts with design concepts – explores the ideal client you uncovered in the strategy part & make sure that the design elements will connect with them (think every kid’s heart rate when they see the MacDonald’s golden arches – that’s what we want your ideal clients to feel when they see your brand – “I NEED TO WORK WITH …”)
  • Using psychology to give meaning to the design – does it look pretty & make sense to your mission?
  • Creating your style & showing you how to use this going forward (this is where a brand guide is essential)
  • Creating your logo, icons, and patterns and aligning them to every part of your business AND your goals

That’s the first step to finding clarity in your business – because let’s be honest running on a hamster wheel is NOT fun… especially not when you’ve got 500 things going on every second and you’re having bad mental health days. Your energy won’t be the same every day, but your brand can be there for you when you can’t be there for it.

Well, at least a strong brand will – are you ready to have one? 😉

CLICK HERE to book a call and see how I can create this magic for you!

You know what more clarity means right? A clearer path to getting clients!

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